Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today Julian and I got started on our joint project. The project we were given is simple. Take portraits of STACies, cut them into four strips, and put them up on a wall somewhere (or build one) so people can interact and change them around. Actually, I take back the word simple. Trying to figure out how to do put the portraits up on the wall is the hardest part. At first we were given the idea of building a metal structure so we can print the portraits on magnetic paper. Then in a way we moved away from this idea because we are working with 29 STACies and the proportions looked dumb.  After bouncing around a few ideas (leaving me out and having 28 people, possibly leaving julian out and having 27) we still didn't like the designs we were coming up with. Then I looked at the wall in the STAC room and saw the gigantic empty picture frame, thinking wow why don't we put them in picture frames? We both agreed that was a good idea but are both stumped on how to make it interactive once again because once you put a frame on a piece of art, it becomes in a way finished.

Not entirely sure where to go from there I started scouting places to possibly have the art hang up and ideally the cafeteria creates the most traffic. I want the art to reach everyone and not just the artists, tech people and instrument players for once. Making definite decisions is becoming a hard thing to do which makes me feel like a freshman again, which sucks.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Accidental Masterpiece

I don't really know how to express my feelings while I was reading the intro to this book. If anything I was lost in the thoughts of my own mind while seeing the words of another's.  While reading I was saying to myself "wow its amazing how much passion these people have for something as trivial as light bulbs!" Then I think to myself... well I really don't have that kind of drive and end all be all mind set while making art. Does that make me an impostor? Am I still an artist or just a creator? Every year taking this class I always end up with more questions then answers & every year I'm left to redefine myself as a person or how I identify myself. Right now I'm not really sure where I stand,  but what I noticed most I was reading is how there was a beautiful transition from talking about one artist to another. It was so fluent after I finished reading I realized it was about multiple people and not just a single artist. I think the reason my favorite part of the into was when the blind man would touch paintings just to feel the art. I feel that might be me trying to hold on to the artist in me while it's slowing fading away.