Monday, May 7, 2012

Working day 6

Today I just about finished up how the necklace in my music video is going to end up to where it was in the beginning of the video, which took a lot of thinking and idea throwing out. I didn't get as much done today was I wanted to, I wanted to completely finish the index cards today so starting tomorrow I could type them and figure out where I am going to be shooting my video. I got all the actors I need for the video booked that they'd do it today. I mean, I wanted certain people for certain roles so I had specific people in mind for each. Luke gave me a book about shots so I am going to read the chapters that apply to myself probably sometime over this weekend or if I get what I want done tomorrow - Thursday or Friday. I also have to google " how to do an underwater shot" because I want to attempt one so badly (because I have a water proof camera) and I think it would look freaking cool.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. You're moving along and getting a discipline over your project and your thinking. This is really good, and bodes well, and speaks of a lot of positive growth for you.

    Ask Alex Katz how they did the underwater shot a few years ago.
