Saturday, September 22, 2012

Questions 1 & 2

1) You've worked on a group film and on your own. In which situation are you most comfortable - group or solo? Which do you work best in?

I find working in both to be comfortable, but I find working in a group gets much more done in a littler amount of time and you have more people to rely on if you screw up.

2) What did you learn that you expected to learn?

That you can always use more time to do something. I assumed that I was going to need more time to do what I needed to get done and if not I’d have to cut unnecessary parts of the film.

3) What did you learn that you didn't expect to learn?

Always keep track of your equipment and when you are working by yourself you tend to not be as nervous because it's only you performing for you.

4) What didn't you learn that you expected to learn?

I expected to learn where in my field of acting I need to improve after watching my film, but seeing as my footage was stolen I did not have this opportunity.

5) Praise your amazing achievement and explain your brilliant plan for pulling it off.

I did so well for having my footage and camera stolen! Instead of throwing a fit and deciding to do nothing, I handed in my script with an idea I was very proud of for attempting.


1) How much time did you spend working?

I worked the first three days of STAC researching, writing, and filming but after my camera was stolen I handed in my script as a fallback.

2) How much time did you spend thinking about the work - sort of sitting there and staring at it, or listening to it over and over again, etc.?

Since the day we were given the assignment I had come up with the key concept of multiple personality disorder but the whole weekend we were given to figure out exactly what we were supposed to decide I kept thinking of how I would be able to pull it off.

3) How much time did you spend doing other stuff that seems like work to that make you think you're working but you're not?

I felt I did work in most of the time I was given but when I was stuck with writing the script or editing it, I would listen to Judas by Lady Gaga on replay to try and take inspiration from the song.

4) How much time did you spend socializing?

It was on and off, if someone said something funny I’d comment or say a few sentences but mostly I never stopped what I was doing to have a full blown conversation.

5) How did you use your community?

I needed someone to take pictures for the 'mug shots' in my short film and Sarah helped me out with that. Sabrina shined a flashlight in my face and played a recording of my voice because I wasn't able to do all this at once.

6) Rip apart your awful project and how did such a disaster happen?

This disaster happened because I was disorganized and thoughtless. The most important part of my film was having my camera, not having my make-up, I should have put the camera away in my bag first and then I would not have lost it in the first place. Also, because there was only one of me to do everything I needed to be everyone and do everything and this left me to be disorganized and scatter-brained resulting in the loss of my camera.

7) You've completed a step on your path. What is your next step?

I am not sure on what exactly my next step is; all I know is that I want it to be something I normally wouldn't want to attempt. My goal is to try and do everything that scares me this year so therefore I am not scared to take risks anymore.


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