Through and through today was inspiring for two reasons. One, all the opportunities we are going to have such as going on the field trip the 23
rd, are hopefully going to give me lots of ideas as of what to create in the program. Apparently I have Blockbuster syndrome, which I think in one way is a good thing if you think about it because you push your brain to think harder? I don't know, maybe it is just a strange coincidence to me but it sounds like a good thing to push you harder. On the upside I now have created many different projects in my head; hopefully they look the same in the real world. Getting back to my second point, if today's lessons were just a sneak peek of what we do most of the time or even some of the time I am completely happy I joined. Just brainstorming, but I think it would be cool if we make a collage out of ourselves? Maybe create a theme to go along with it too, my mind has been wondering recently and it’s just one of the things that popped up into it. Instead of us making art we make ourselves the art... yes. Obviously not as model-esk, but you get the idea.
Ps. I think best when I have my Wendy's french fries and chicken nuggets just saying
You misunderstand Blockbuster Syndrome. It is fine to push yourself to think harder, just dandy. Blockbuster Syndrome isn't that. BLockbuster Syndrome is about over-thinking a minor decision, and because of that over-thinking, stalling, wasting time, and maybe ultimately not making a decision. You go into Blockbuster to get a movie, and you don't know what to pick because there are a lot of choices, and it turns into picking THE BEST MOVIE POSSIBLE, when really, it's just a movie and if it stinks you can just turn it off and watch something else. It's the same thing as walking into an empty movie theatre and not knowing where to sit. It's not about pushing yourself, it is about getting on with it.