Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today we did #1

Today was not the greatest when filming the scenes we practiced for STAC live. I didn't have my lines memorized that well anymore, there were many mistakes, and I realized that most of the time I was taking Megan's job and disagreeing with her a lot, but then finally realized I am the actor, not the director and just did whatever she told me to do. Another thing I learned was the importance of having lines memorized because once saying them is just muscle memory you get to add the as-if and movements and such. I was really looking forward to the fashion photography research I was going to do today but that didn't happen. I want to do it so badly hopefully we get to start those projects soon!

1 comment:

  1. You learned two important things here - know your damn lines cold and shut up and do your job. I can't really think of anything more important to do when it comes to acting than these two things other than "speak clearly." So, that is good!

    You can begin your fashion photography inquiry anytime you wish. You don't need anyone to open the door if your passion wants to get into the room. I will give you some materials today, though.

    I want you to develop the dog idea. I love the idea and want a one minute short film out of it. Can you get me a script by Monday?
